Taking the work out of yardwork since 1933.


A clear cut path to A better looking lawn.

​We don’t just build machines to cut grass.
We build machines for precision and durability, season after season.

Putting our name on something means everything.

​From etching “Ariens” onto our first rototiller in 1933 to stamping our logo onto zero-turn mowers today, putting our name on a machine is a very meaningful moment. It means we believe in that machine, we stand behind it, and we’ve put everything we’ve got into it. Because we don’t just put our family name on machines, we put our family name on the line.

Dan Ariens, CEO

This house was built in-house.

We employ over 1,400 specialists who make the Ariens name what it is. Designers, tool and die makers, metal stampers, welders, powder-coat painters, assemblers. It’s all done in-house and at the highest level. So when a machine reaches the end of our production line, we know it’s strong enough to bear the Ariens name.